Discovery STO - Single Stage to Orbit Heavy Lift, Hypersonic Aircraft - IO Aircraftt
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Discovery STO - Single Stage to Orbit Heavy Lift, Hypersonic Aircraft - 70 TON Payload


Total Length:

197ft 6in


Discovery STO, Single Stage to Orbit Heavy Lift, hypersonic plane, hypersonic aircraft, space plane, phantom works, skunk works, boeing phantom express, hypersonic weapon, hypersonic missile, Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon, (ARRW), scramjet missile, scramjet engineering, scramjet physics, Common Hypersonic Glide Body, C-HGB boost glide, tactical glide vehicle, xs-1, htv, hypersonic tactical vehicle,  scramjet, turbine based combined cycle, ramjet, dual mode ramjet






4 X Unified Turbine Based Combined Cycle (U-TBCC)


*Outside Atmosphere Version


1  Aerospike


Mach 8-10 @100,000-125,000ft

16,000+ mph ground speed once reaching 170 mile parking orbit and beyond


125,000 Gallons 12,000 PSI Compressed Hydrogen


90,000 Gallons 12,000 PSI Compressed Oxygen

+ 4,000 Gallons Thruster Fuel



Est: $750 Million


Launch Costs:

$28 Million Per Launch Average at maximum payload weight of 140,000 LBS (70 Tons) (Delta IV and Falcon Heavy Class)


If Discovery went into production, launch costs could be continually reduced even further to even as low as $50 per pound with a decade.



Discovery STO, Single Stage to Orbit Heavy Lift, hypersonic plane, hypersonic aircraft, space plane, phantom works, skunk works, boeing phantom express, hypersonic weapon, hypersonic missile, Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon, (ARRW), scramjet missile, scramjet engineering, scramjet physics, Common Hypersonic Glide Body, C-HGB boost glide, tactical glide vehicle, xs-1, htv, hypersonic tactical vehicle,  scramjet, turbine based combined cycle, ramjet, dual mode ramjet

Discovery STO, Single Stage to Orbit Heavy Lift, hypersonic plane, hypersonic aircraft, space plane, phantom works, skunk works, boeing phantom express, hypersonic weapon, hypersonic missile, Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon, (ARRW), scramjet missile, scramjet engineering, scramjet physics, Common Hypersonic Glide Body, C-HGB boost glide, tactical glide vehicle, xs-1, htv, hypersonic tactical vehicle,  scramjet, turbine based combined cycle, ramjet, dual mode ramjet

Discovery STO, Single Stage to Orbit Heavy Lift, hypersonic plane, hypersonic aircraft, space plane, phantom works, skunk works, boeing phantom express, hypersonic weapon, hypersonic missile, Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon, (ARRW), scramjet missile, scramjet engineering, scramjet physics, Common Hypersonic Glide Body, C-HGB boost glide, tactical glide vehicle, xs-1, htv, hypersonic tactical vehicle,  scramjet, turbine based combined cycle, ramjet, dual mode ramjet

Space Plane, Single Stage to Orbit, Hypersonic Plane, Hypersonic Aircraft, Hypersonic Jet, IO Aircraft, scramjet, ramjet, turbine based combined cycle, glide breaker, hypersonic, hypersonic weapon, hypersonic missile, Air Launched Rapid Response Weapon, ARRW, scramjet missile, boost glide, tactical glide vehicle, phantom works, skunk works, htv, hypersonic tactical vehicle, afrl, onr, boeing, utc, utx, ge, TBCC, RBCC, Reaction Engines, plane, turbine, spacex, virgin orbit, virgin galactic, usaf, single stage to orbit, sto, space plane, falcon heavy, delta iv, hypersonic commercial aircraft, hypersonic commercial plane, hypersonic aircraft, hypersonic plane, ICAO, boeing phantom express, phantom works, boeing phantom works, lockheed skunk works, hypersonic weapon, hypersonic missile, scramjet engineering, scramjet physics, scramjet, ramjet, dual mode ramjet, darpa, onr, navair, afrl, aerion supersonic, aerion, spike aerospace, boom supersonic, air taxi, vtol, personal air vehicle, vertical take off and landing, urban air mobility, ultralight, far 103, experimental, type certified, dual mode ramjet, scramjet engineering, scramjet physics, hypersonic weapons, hypersonic missiles, boost glide, tactical glide vehicle, phantom express, xs-1, htv, Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon, ARRW, hypersonic tactical vehicle

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